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Youth Mental Health

Mother and Children Outcomes in Women with Bipolar Disorder

This project aims to follow-up a group of women and their children, who previously participated in a study examining maternal mental health during pregnancy and, with their newborns, in the first 12 months after giving birth, when the children are 6-8 years of age.

An Online Parenting Programme Engaging for All Parents

The way parents bring up their children is a major determinant of whether or not they have behaviour problems. Inconsistent, harsh parenting, combined with lack of involvement with the child and low praise and encouragement are strongly implicated. We have developed an online parenting programme to teach parents the best strategies to improve parenting.

Brief Educational Workshops in Secondary Schools Trial for Depression and Anxiety

More than half of adult mental health conditions have first onset before the age of 15 years, and almost three-quarters by the age of 18 years. Brief Educational Workshops in Secondary Schools Trial (BESST) has been investigating whether the DISCOVER day-long workshop program delivered in sixth-forms is able to help older adolescents in reducing depression and anxiety.

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